SVS Disability FAQs

You may experience pain but not more than the pain you have been experiencing previously from the fissure. The pain should around a week.
You may experience pain but not more than the pain you have been experiencing previously from the fissure. The pain should around a week.
You may experience pain but not more than the pain you have been experiencing previously from the fissure. The pain should around a week.
You may experience pain but not more than the pain you have been experiencing previously from the fissure. The pain should around a week.
You may experience pain but not more than the pain you have been experiencing previously from the fissure. The pain should around a week.
SVS Disability FAQs
You can start by first registering for an account and then second creating a claim using this link here: IS NO CHARGE FOR EDD (STATE OF CA) FILINGS.
No, but if you work part-time you can.
The best way is to use the EDD calculator on this website:
If done by US mail, typically the wait is 1-3 months after approval. If your claim is done online, it typically takes 2-4 weeks. There is a 3 to 10 day grace period for claims to be completed by your physician’s office. NOTE:EDD does NOT let your physician know when or if you have filed a claim. That is solely the responsibility of the patient to let the doctor know there is a claim in existence.
There is a seven-day, non-payable waiting period for benefits. Benefits start on the eighth day.
The claim number supplied by EDD should start with either a D1 or R1 number followed by several zeros and then other numbers. For your physician to be able to get into your claim correctly we need your date of birth and last four digits of your SSN for accuracy. Also, with so many last names with hyphenations or misspellings, we need the complete last name as filed with EDD. On your email back to the disability coordinator please supply the date you would like to be released back to work. We will work with you within reason.
Your physician has supplied to EDD with what is the “usual and common timeframe” for your illness/injury. EDD will be in touch with you asking you for your up to date disability information. You can let EDD know of your “actual” return to work date within these correspondences and EDD can stop payments. EDD will be contacting your employer for verification.
No. Once you have been cleared of your surgery with our office, it is the responsibility of the new specialist to continue your disability claim, as he/she sees fit. The doctor can use the same claim number. Plus, the new specialist will have all the new up to date information on your disability and the reason for continuance.
This is to ensure that all correspondence is electronically traceable. Both our office and you, the patient, can go back to your emails to remind ourselves of dates, times, and copies of documents. Also, the disability coordinator is seeing patients with the physicians in the office and is not available by phone.
Unfortunately, the amount of time needed to investigate all the information on each case can take up to an hour or more and these documents are a legal document. There is a 3-10 day grace period. Most other specialist charge $75 or more. We are very reasonable compared to other offices. Please call Alejandra at 949-364-1007 ext. 1003 to make payments. If you need a “return to work” note please contact Alejandra at
You will first need to make sure all the portions of the document are filled out and signed by the patient for the “patient portion” of the document. Please leave blank all portions asking for the physician to fill. If these portions are filled out, it can cause delays and/or need for a new set of documents. A fax number or email for your HR needs to be included. Once you have filled out your portion you can drop it by the office, mail it to 27799 Medical Center Rd., Suite 440, Mission Viejo, CA 92691, or email it to We cannot start your document without payment. Please also supply your email address so she can email you a copy of the completed document to you for your records. Please note that these are going to be returned on encrypted emails. Please check your spam box when expecting correspondences.